Call for Researchers Name(required) Email address(required) Affiliation(required) Do you have a project idea(required) Yes No If you are interested in AI & Art in general but you don't have a particular idea please choose "No" Please explain your idea (max 500 words)(required) Please assess the risk of failure and the technical feasibility of your project(required) Have identified artists to work with?(required) Yes No Please name the artist(required) How likely you can find an artist to collaborate with you on the project?(required) High Medium Low None Duration in months (Max 6 month)(required) Resources required for the project(required) Please give us an idea of your expected technical and space requirements! What do you know about digital arts?(required) Substantial previous experience Some previous experience Extensive theoretical knowledge Some theoretical knowledge Enthusiastic beginner Do you already know what kind of art discipline or topic, or part of artwork you would like to intervene? Have previously worked with an art application?(required) Yes No Which application are you familiar with?(required) This field should be left blank Submit form Please wait...
If you are interested in AI & Art in general but you don't have a particular idea please choose "No"
Please give us an idea of your expected technical and space requirements!