To change the background click on the label bar and in the layer window select the style tab.
Choose a source from the background top tab then upload an image or pick a background color.

AI Robolab is part of the Department of Computer Science (DCS), Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) at the University of Luxembourg. We are a group of researchers (faculty members and students) interested in creating autonomous behaviours for social and assistive robots. Our research also entails examining human-robot interactions from AI&Ethics perspective, and the creative potential of the AI.
The group was founded in 2009 to promote inclusive social robotics in fields like psychotherapy, physiotherapy and education. Since then, the group has been working in the research and development of different solutions for improving human quality life. AI Robolab fosters the use of AI and social robots in schools and high schools as a tool beyond traditional educational methods to create more inclusive classrooms.
Since its creation, AI Robolab took part of Luxembourgish national events like Researchers’ days, Science days or Students days promoted by FNR and other Luxembourgish public entities in order to show current advances to all learners visiting our stands.
One of the most successful milestones in AI Robolab is LuxAI spin-off company. The startup uses the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and robot-therapy in building the social robot QT to assist people.
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