Professor Leon van der Torre is a full professor of computer science at the university of Luxembourg since 2006. Deontic logic, agreement technologies, normative systems and cognitive robots are his main research interests. Prof. van der Torre is the leader of the ICR research group. He has been the principal investigator of several national, European, and international research projects. He has 71 journal articles, 243 papers in conferences and workshop proceedings (h-index: 53, i-10 index: 236). He is the founder and the head of the AI RoboLab, Department of Computer Science, University of Luxembourg. In addition, he is a member of LuxAI SA spin-off company of the University of Luxembourg specializing in assistive social robots. Prof. van der Torre is EECAI fellow (top 3% of ECCAI members), and has received several best-papers awards (AT13, PRIMA07, KES-AMSTA07).
Leon van der Torre

Founder and head of the lab