AIFA21 – AI and the future of arts

From 28 to 30 September 2021, AIFA21 has taken place at the Belval campus of the University of Luxembourg as an open event for a large audience. As part of the overall AI Pavilion project (for Esch2022), numerous experts from the field of AI and the arts have explored the increasing interactions between the two fields and address a wide range of topics. AIFA21 is a multidisciplinary event that aims to discuss and explore future developments, opportunities and risks of AI, for example:

  • What is the role of AI as a tool for creating art in the visual and performing arts?
  • What kind of AI technology is used and how is it used?
  • How does AI as technology become a material component of a work of art?
  • How do AI utopias and dystopias influence contemporary art production?
  • What role does AI play in the development of contemporary art?
  • Is AI a stronger vector of artistic interdisciplinarity?
  • How can artists inspire or trigger scientific and technological innovation in AI?

On 28 September, AIFA21 will be officially opened at 13.45 by Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Schlenker, The event was introduced by Jean-Marc Schlenker, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM). The event gathered experts in artificial intelligence and artists to exchange about the growing interactions between the two disciplines (AI and Art). The event was part of the overall AI & Art Pavilion project in the frame of the European Capital of Culture Esch2022..

Talk at AIFA, 29 September 2021, “AI and the Arts”, by Christoph Shommer.

Article by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schommer


Online exhibition

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