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Exploring a Wide Array of Research Projects at Airobolab. Explore our Completed, Ongoing, and Future Endeavors.

Project Title: DEUS eX Machina

Type of the project: interactive chatbots (AI text generation). DEUS-X-MACHINA deals with the complex topic of AIs as possible superior and almighty  entities. Throughout history

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AI & ART Seminar

Artificial intelligence (AI) is generally all about making computers and robots capable of doing things that only humans have done so far, it has already fueled many academic fields as well as industries. In the field of artistic creation, AI has demonstrated its great potential and gained popularity. AI art refers to art generated with the help of AI, AI generated art can range from AI paintings to music created by AI to poetry AI, etc. It is possible for an AI painting system to generate the desired content in the style of a specific famous painter. A large number of fans were attracted to the tunes composed by AI, others believed they came from masters of classical music.
From April 28 to June 2, each Wednesday AI Robolab will be offering the first of its kind Seminar on AI & Art, the seminar aims to bring forward cutting-edge technologies and most recent advances in the area of AI art, conducted by the leading experts crossing various fields such as machine learning, computer vision, art history, art conservation, and cultural heritage, this research interest group aims to explore how emerging AI techniques can shape the general area of art.

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