The Computational Creativity Hub is a living lab where researchers, students and artists work together to brainstorm, make research and produce new approaches, methodologies, artworks dealing with the future of art. CCH is maintained by AI Robolab and used for projects like AI&Art and BeCoS.
Everybody is invited to visit us from Monday to Thursday between 10h00-12h00 and 14h00-18h00. The entrance is free and no registration is required. Some key events are organized in CCH. Please feel free to contact us to organize a visit for a larger group.


  • RTL RADIO Interview. During the week of 13 June to 17 June, 90 seconds of recorded interview about the CCH was prepared. The interview will be broadcast several times on RTL RADIO during the week of 20 June to 27 June 2022.
  • Visit of the the Business Club Belgium-Luxembourg (BCBL). On 2 June 2022, we welcomed in CCH 40 members of and the BCBL, as well as Ambassadors H.E. Stephan Müller, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Belgium, and H.E. Lambert, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Luxembourg.

For gallery and photos click here

Future events

The next key events scheduled in CCH are:
The next key events scheduled in CCH are:
For more details on previous and next events click here

AI and Art Projects
Several ongoing projects are prepared in CCH

Equipments of CCH

CCH is equipped with several new technologies:
  • 3D hologram (a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.)
  • A robot dog (Spot is an agile mobile robot that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility, allowing you to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately, and frequently.)
  • Several Pepper robot (Pepper is the world’s first social humanoid robot able to recognize faces and basic human emotions. Pepper was optimized for human interaction and is able to engage with people through conversation and his touch screen.)
  • Several QTrobot (QTrobot is an expressive social robot designed to support a variety of use-cases including education of children with autism and other special needs education and human-robot interaction research and teaching.)
  • Several Nao robot (Nao is an autonomous, programmable humanoid robot formerly developed by Aldebaran Robotics)
  • Tensorbooks are Machine learning ready-to-use laptops whose configuration is optimized to be used by students/researchers interested in machine learning applications.
  • Powerful computers and several hardware devices
  • Tech equipment, speakers, microphones…
  • Etc.


Location of CCH

CCH is located at Maison du Savoir, campus of Belval, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. CCH is at the bottom of the big university tower, next to the open air parking.
The complete address is:
2, avenue de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette


To contact us, please send us an email either to or