Leon van der Torre
Founder and head of the lab Professor Leon van der Torre is a full professor of computer science at the university of Luxembourg since 2006. Deontic logic, agreement technologies, normative systems and cognitive robots are his main research interests. Prof. van der Torre is the leader of the ICR research group. He has been the … Continued
Christoph Schommer
Vice head of the lab Professor Christoph Schommer studied Artificial Intelligence in Saarbrücken before working at IBM R&D and IBM Software Group for 8 years. During the same period, he completed a Ph.D. in Medical Informatics at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. In October 2003, Christoph was appointed Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg. Christoph’s interests … Continued
Amro Najjar
Manager of the lab Dr. Amro Najar Is a postdoctoral research associate at the AI Robolab and the ICR research group. Social robots, multi-agent systems, agreement technologies, and explainable artificial intelligence are his main research interests. In 2015, Dr. Najjar received a PhD in AI and multi-agent systems from Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, in … Continued
Grégoire Danoy
Dr. Grégoire Danoy is a Research Scientist at the University of Luxembourg (UL) and Deputy-Head of the Parallel Computing and Optimisation Group (PCOG). His current research interests include artificial intelligence techniques applied to unmanned autonomous systems (e.g., drones), satellite communications, vehicular networks, bioinformatics, high-performance and cloud computing.
Daniel Karpati
Daniel Karpati is the project co-ordinator and programme creator for the AI&Art pavilion for Esch2022 and related events. Having a diverse background ranging from Philosophy and Mathematics to EU Politics his research interest lies in the cross-section of AI and Ethics. He obtained his MSc degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science … Continued
Sana Nouzri
Post-doc Researcher Dr Sana Nouzri was an assistant professor in computer science at Cady Ayyad University Marrakech from 2015 to 2020. She received her PhD degree in computer science from the Cady Ayyad University in 2014. She conducted researches on information system development using an agent-oriented approach based on models. The major emphases of her … Continued
Thibaud Latour
Thibaud Latour is Head of Outreach and EU Affairs at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies (LIST). He holds a PhD in Theoretical Computer Chemical-Physics and explored various aspects of educational technologies, computer representation, exploitation, and communication of knowledge between humans, machines, and their physical environment during his research career at LIST as Head … Continued
Shohreh Haddadan
Website Manager Shohreh Haddadan is a PhD student at ICR group. Having joined ICR group in September 2017, participating in the digital history and hermeneutics doctoral school at University of Luxembourg, she has been working on Argument Mining from political debates data.
Adam Kaliski
Website Manager Website Manager Adam Kaliski is a PhD student at ICR group. He joined the ICR group in April 2021, and his research is in nonmonotonic logics/defeasible reasoning, with interests in AI and logic.
Rachele Carli
Rachele Carli is a PhD candidate in the Law, Science and Technology course at the Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered AI (University of Bologna), co-tutele ICR group and AIRoboLab (University of Luxembourg), since November 2020. Her research is focused on the themes of acceptability, trust and deception in social robotics, with particular attention to … Continued
Fatima Zahra Fathi
Fatima Zahra Fathi is a master's student in the computer science department at the University of Luxembourg, research assistant involved into the AI & Art pavilion project and helping three local artists in the implementation of their artwork projects. She is in charge of Einstein project, Mirror project and Dall E-made project.
Thiago Jorge Bourscheid
Thiago Jorge Bourscheid joined the AI Robolab in 2020 as a BSP student. He then started working on the AI & Art Pavilion under the supervision of Amro Najjar and Daniel Karpati. He works on the game corner.
Eliott Bonte
Eliott Bonte is a bachelor student in the computer science department at the University of Luxembourg, developer and assistant involved into the AI & Art pavilion project and is in charge in the implementation of DEUS ex MACHINA project, an artwork project aimed at making conversation between two religion chatbot.