As part of Esch 22 (European capital of culture), the AI&ART pavilion is a project created by AI Robolab, it is a multidisciplinary and interactive environment in which scientists, artists and the public can meet and interact.
The pavilion will offer its activities throughout 2022, there will be a series of exhibition or performances in the AI&Art pavilion.
AI Robolab invites Scientists/Students who are interested collaborating with artists to design and implement artistic projects.
By getting involved in projects, researchers have the opportunity to participate in artworks and demonstrate their excellence, to provide the technological and scientific solutions that artists will need for their projects, the technologies and skills to support artists to implement their tangible artworks and to use artistic collaboration as a substratum for the master’s thesis, research papers, outreach.
Below the list of projects proposed by local artists:
Project 1 “Project Einstein”
Project description
- Creating a piece that would resemble a black hole, with the intention to propose it to be installed nearby to sculpture of Einstein to create a dialogue between the two works.
- A black hole “operates” differently depending on what is around it and what is caught into its gravitational field;
- The role of AI would be to recognize what is around the piece’s field (for example number of people, proximity etc.) and react on that,
- the researchers’/student part would be to teach the piece to interact with the environment around it on its own and react differently to different stimuli.
Resources required for the project
- The initial work on the piece will be done at artist atelier. The piece is expected to be roughly a meter long by not more than half wide and height. On that the height of the base/support is to be added making it about a meter fifty height in total. It will require a space where led (or other type of light) and all the other electronic components can be welded.
- Different stages of the work process could be done on (atelier or at the space offered by the university).
Project 2 “Fake News Analysis- Fake Intelligence”
Project description
- The project is conceptual about “Fake News Analysis- Fake Intelligence”. Employ AI to help determine the veracity of news items, determine and highlight to the measure possible the degree to which news article are true, not true, stretch the truth,
- Design and set up of a website dedicated to the results of this project.
Resources required for the project
- An (interactive) installation for the pavilion will created by the artist. (Installation either visually showing the process of evaluating news or visually modelling the results).
- Work as closely as necessary with AI specialists.
Project 3 “Initiation”
Project description
collaborative project with scientist/student to create a video by providing music and lyrics.
- First step consists of using an artificial neural network to create an image (or a set of images) for each of the key terms, based on the data obtained from analysis of the lyrics for key terms.
- Then, sequencing the images in a video in accordance with the key term appearance during the song.
Resources required for the project
- Collaborative work with artist.
- The music and the lyrics are ready provided by the artists.
- IT resources with sufficient power for video editing
Project 4 “Steft : self-playing character AI for an MMORPG”
Project description
- As part of the project 1867 (development of an historical and transmedia MMORPG type game or virtual world on divers’ platforms). The main character, STEFT, a 10-year-old street boy living in 1867, is an AI.
- The idea is to develop a self-playing avatar AI that can log into divers’ platforms and games all on the same subject, starting with the knowledge of a 10-year-old boy and then learning.
Resources required for the project
- The artist part in the project would be mainly the storytelling and the development for the environment for the AI to grow and learn and live in, actually the games and virtual worlds. For this first phase, the artist considers the children’s gaming platform ROBLOX and the VR platform SANSAR.
- Several up to date gaming PC’s and also VR equipment, they could be used both for the development and for the exhibition
Project 5 “Walk in”
Project description
Create different interactive art projects interact directly with the visitors:
- facial recognition (transforming the faces of the visitors instantaneously into art works)
- movement detection (creating data for possible 3-D printing of complex movements)
- social media transparency (using the input of their name and a photo to produce a visualized data
- collection of the individual visitors, thus making them aware, how much of their personal information is easily available on the internet)
- Resources required for the project
Create a “walk in” sculpture pointing towards the dystopian aspects of a radically supervised society by artist.
It would include a 5 m long corridor where different interactive art projects interact directly with the visitors.
Project 6 “From humans to AI _ From AI to humans”
Project description
The project could be seen in tree stage:
- Stage 1 (dancer to AI): The dancer teaches basic movements to AI, so that AI can recognize the transfer of the body weight, directions, pivots, turns, and can recognize changes in rhythms so that AI can later predict the movements and then teach them to people.
- Stage 2 (AI for beginners): The AI already has with this information the ability to transmit and teach humans, as if it were a tutorial, the basic steps that it learned to be able to transmit them to those who still do not know how to dance or do not dare to start.
- Stage 3 (IA + dancer): Both the avatar and the dancer can have an exchange and can create new movements, predict and suggest new choreographies. The relationship between the physical and virtual help to deepen the human-machine interaction in the learning process.
Resources required for the project
The use of motion sensors would be required. (To be discussed with the dancer).
Project 7 “Short Dance Projections and Intervention”
Project description
The short dances will be reinterpreted and stylized with AI to be projected in public spaces, strategic places where the public can walk nearby so the avatar interrupts his own dance to continue the dance with whoever follows the guide and follow-up game.
Resources required for the project
The use of motion sensors would be required. (To be discussed with the dancer).
Project 8 “Automatic mind maps”
Project description
Using the set of 200 mind maps of artist together with the information of the lecture could lead to an automatic transformation of lectures into pictures.

Resources required for the project
- Work closely with artist.
- Artist will provide mind maps and data lecture.